The cracking starts small and may take more than 10 years to over 30 years to appear. Horizontal cracks or cracks that splinter out like a web are the most concerning. A rust color residue or white powder may appear. The sheetrock walls of a finished basement may need to be removed to examine the concrete. As the concrete deteriorates, it often becomes structurally unsound.
The damage is irreversible. The repair is to fully replace the impacted foundation with a new foundation that does not contain pyrrhotite.
What Does the Foundation Inspection Consist of?
Visual inspection: This is limited and is hard to pick up small cracking in the initial stages
Solution spray: This is applied to the foundation and highlights cracks that cannot be seen with the naked eye. This will help when looking to see if the foundation has started to react to the pyrrhotite and is in the initial stages.
Core samples (or core taps): This is when an approximately 4″ round sample is taken in 2 locations of the foundation and sent out for independent analysis from a lab of your choice. The hole is then filled properly to prevent leaking and the samples are labeled and sent to the lab. Once the lab evaluates the content they provide a report that provides the amount of pyrrhotite in the core samples. This process has been recommended from the state of Connecticut to get on the list for assistance.
Qualifications for Assistance:
To qualify for a claim the homeowner must have a certified home inspector or licensed engineer report with a severity classification of Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3. Those with class 3 severity will receive attention first There are three levels of Type 1 claim severity that are established with claim handling priority:
Class 1: A CT Certified Inspector concludes that no indication of deleterious pyrrhotite-bearing aggregate is present, based on the visual examination report. (For a claim to be considered Class 1, CFSIC requires a core sample of the foundation finds pyrrhotite is present in the sample)
Class 2: Based on the visual examination report, a CT Certified Inspector concludes that that visible cracking patterns commonly associated with deleterious pyrrhotite-bearing aggregate are present, with crack widths less than 1.0mm that extend less than 20% of any contiguous wall plane. (No core sample is required)
Class 3: Based on the visual examination report, a CT Certified Inspector concludes that that visible cracking patterns commonly associated with deleterious pyrrhotite-bearing aggregate are present, with crack widths more than 1.0mm that extend more than 20% of any contiguous wall plane. (No core sample is required)
Types of claims:
Claim Type 1: for those who have a compromised foundation according to the set standards that are seeking financial assistance for the foundation replacement.
Claim Type 2: for those homeowners who had a comprised foundation according to the set standards that have already replaced an entire foundation and are seeking reimbursement for the costs associated with replacement.
The application may be submitted online with documentation of visual inspection by a certified Home Inspector or licensed CT engineer and/or core boring test result. CFSIC may pay up to $175,000.00 of the cost of remediation. They will also reimburse for the licensed engineer’s inspection and 50% of the core boring testing up to $2000.00, if needed. Condominium owners, who do not own the foundation under their unit, may also be eligible for relief.
Photos From Our Inspections!
If a Condo, PUD, home, addition, or outbuilding was built after 1983, the buyer has the right to have a foundation evaluation performed by a CFSIC Certified Foundation Inspector or Connecticut-licensed professional engineer prior to purchase. If the buyer chooses not to do this evaluation they waive the right for assistance through the Connecticut Foundations Solutions Indemnity Company, Inc. (CFSIC)
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